Disponible: Sea Boys (Hijos del mar) por David González

Autor: David González
Título: Sea Boys (Hijos del Mar)
Género: Fantasía. Aventura. Romance gay
Longitud: Novela
Portada: Les Byerley
Idioma: español
Precio: 2.99 USD

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Un romance prohibido entre un humano y uno sireno que cambiará ambos mundos para siempre. Una versión contemporánea y gay de la conocida historia.

Matt, un hijo de Poseidón, se enamora de Kevin, un humano. No pueden vivir el uno sin el otro, pero sus mundos están prohibidos. ¿Qué será de ellos y su amor?

Una versión moderna, familiar y gayfriendly del cuento popular. Autor y cineasta de Young Talents Films, David González estaciona las historias macabras y gores para narrar pura fantasía. Un mundo mágico donde todo es posible.


El mar estaba en calma. Una suave brisa soplaba sobre la superficie del agua salada. El cielo nocturno y la luz de la luna se reflejaban en el océano como un cristal nítido.
Cerca de la orilla, una joven pareja se daba el lote apasionadamente. Él era un año más grande que ella y ambos estaban muy pegados, abrazados con los pies firmemente apoyados en la arena. Ninguno de los dos lo veía, pero una aleta de tiburón asomó a varios metros de distancia y los observaba fijamente.
La pareja no se daba cuenta, enzarzados en una maratón empalagosa de besos, pero la aleta se fue aproximando cada vez más hasta ellos, despacio y sin apenas hacer ruido. Lo extraño era que fuese lo que fuese no parecía tener intenciones de atacar, sino más bien de curiosear.
Cuando estuvo muy cerca de ellos, frenó la marcha y los escudriñó de cerca, en la oscuridad marina.
Estudió sus movimientos. Sus piernas rozándose bajo el agua, los brazos acariciándose sobre la superficie, el sonido de las risas transportadas hacia el interior del mar y el latir de esos corazones más rápido de lo habitual. La criatura se dio cuenta de que el macho estaba claramente excitado por la hembra.
—¿Vamos a la toalla un rato?— le dijo ella a él en tono sensual.
El chico se limitó a asentir y ambos salieron del agua bajo la atenta mirada de la criatura, divertida con la situación.
El ser marino retomó el nado y se alejó hacia el extremo opuesto, de nuevo a la orilla, pero en una zona en la que no había humanos cerca.
El mar comenzó a crear ondas expansivas en la superficie del agua, cerca de la orilla y algo comenzó a emerger del agua. Era un adolescente. No, más bien una criatura con cuerpo adolescente. Tampoco. Era un guerrero del mar de aspecto juvenil. Las tres cosas eran correctas.
De aspecto veinteañero, intensamente moreno de piel y cabello, con un cuerpo tonificado y con la cara más bella que jamás alguien podría imaginar, el hijo de Poseidón tomó aire y salió al exterior. De cintura para arriba era como cualquier mortal varón; brazos, cuello, unos brazos fuertes y totalmente lisos, un pecho marcado cuyos músculos pectorales destacaban de seguida y que mostraba un abdomen semejante a una chocolatina, y unos ojos extremadamente intensos, del color del mar. Y esos ojos tenían un extraño brillo, capaz de camelar o hipnotizar a quien esa criatura quisiese.
Su cabello era corto, cubierto de algas oscuras que le daba un aspecto entre majestuoso y mágico.
Pero de cintura para abajo ni había piernas ni pies, sólo escamas doradas y fuertes como las de un dragón y una cola de pez que aplastaría una mesa de hierro si se la golpeara con fuerza.
Además, sus brazos parecían estar protegidos hasta los hombros con armaduras doradas que le proporcionaban poder y fuerza. La armadura fácilmente podría ser confundida con la de un antiguo guerrero de Troya, pero en realidad de nuevo eran escamas doradas imposibles de atravesar.
Atrás de la criatura se creó un remolino repentino de agua que susurraba en la superficie y creó fuertes ondas expansivas por toda la orilla.
Cualquiera lo habría visto. Menos mal que no había nadie cerca, y el único visitante que había cerca se encontraba en bañador, durmiendo profundamente tumbado sobre su toalla y sin enterarse de nada.
Del remolino de agua también emanó otro ser, esta vez más grande y varonil. Doble de estatura, cuerpo peludo y musculoso y una corona de algas doradas y brillantes en la sien.
—¡Hijo! ¿Dónde crees que vas?— le preguntó ese ser a la criatura más joven.
—Me marcho, padre. Ya estoy harto. Quiero probar experiencias nuevas y conocer un poco de mundo— respondió la criatura joven, con la voz más dulce y embelesadora que jamás se pudiese escuchar, capaz de enamorar a cualquiera sólo con oírlo unos segundos.
—¿Probar experiencias nuevas? ¿Con los humanos? Debes estar bromeando. Sólo se dedican a destruirse entre ellos, no valoran nada ni aprecian sus materiales ni sus elementos—
—Eso ya lo sé, padre. Me lo has dicho infinidad de veces. Pero como tú siempre has dicho, quiero juzgar por mí mismo— pondió el joven, coleteando en el agua con su parte inferior para mantenerse a flote sin dejar de mirarle.
—Vamos, vuelve a casa y déjate de absurdeces. Ya conoces las normas del mar, hijo—
—Pues por eso mismo me quiero ir, padre. Estoy harto de vivir con tantas normas, con leyes absurdas a las que no encuentro sentido, de acatar las órdenes de la Reina sin entender por qué, de no poder ser yo mismo, y de repetir siempre las mismas rutinas. Me siente asfixiado, padre. Sólo te pido unos días. Airearme.
—¿Y vas a pasar esos días de respiro con la humanidad? ¡Te volverán loco!
—Sobreviviré. Me mezclaré con ellos y aprenderé sus costumbres. Vamos, padre, ¿qué puede pasar?—
—Ya está bien. He escuchado suficientes tonterías. Vuelve a casa de inmediato.
—No, padre. Esta vez no. Me decisión es firme e inamovible. Pasaré unos días en la tierra y cuando me sienta de nuevo relajado y renovado, regresaré al mar.
—¿Me estás desobedeciendo? —exclamó su padre, dando tal grito que el cielo tronó y el mar se revolvió levemente, pareciendo que se iba a formar de repente olas.
—No, padre. Simplemente te digo que regresaré en unos días. Desobedecerte sería decirte que no volveré jamás al mar.
—Soy Poseidón, dios del mar y el padre de Los Hijos del Mar. ¡Y te exijo que regresas a casa de inmediato! —exclamó alzando ambas manos, y tras un fuerte destello un tridente fantasmal y brillante como el oro apareció en su mano izquierda, amenazante.
—Padre, puedes crear tormentas, maremotos, huracanes, tornados o un tsunami. Pero no regresaré hasta dentro de unos días. Se acabó el obedecer ciegamente las órdenes. Quiero unas vacaciones y las voy a coger.
—¡Siempre has sido un tozudo, hijo del mar! ¿Qué pensarán tus hermanos? ¿Qué le diré a la Reina?—
—No lo sé. Pero seguro que se te ocurre algo genial para ganar unos días. Adiós, padre. Te veré pronto. No te enfades mucho — respondió la criatura.
La criatura joven y bella emergió del agua bajo la atenta e impotente mirada del padre, quien a pesar de su dureza, jamás haría daño a su propio hijo. Y de repente, su cuerpo se volvió transparente, como si fuese agua en forma de criatura del mar y se moviese sola.
Salió del mar tomando tierra firme y avanzó despacio hasta pisar arena seca de la playa. La masa acuática volvió a tomar forma humana y esta vez tanto su cola de pez como su cuerpo de escamas desaparecieron dejando lugar a unos pies fuertes y humanos, aunque algún resquicio de escama aún asomaba si te fijabas bien.
A pesar de que se podía decir que estaba desnudo, la zona de los mulos hasta la cintura eran escamas doradas, como si fuera un bañador dorado en forma de pez.
—¡Eres terco, Hijo del mar! —bramó Poseidón mirándole, y sin querer seguir ahí ni un segundo más, hizo destellar su tridente y un remolino de aire envolvió su cuerpo de cintura para arriba, lo convirtió en masa acuática y se deshizo cayendo al agua. Pareció que ese fuerte remolino de agua fuese absorbido por debajo por una fuerza sobrenatural, y desapareció.
El mar volvió poco a poco a la calma y el cielo regresó a su estado anterior, tranquilo.
El hijo del mar se aproximó despacio a ese chico dormido sobre su toalla y vio una camiseta y unos pantalones cortos que le serían de gran ayuda.
Extendió la palma de su mano apuntando hacia esas prendas y de su palma emanó un chorro de agua que avanzó como una cuerda hacia esas prendas, se extendió sobre ellas y copió mágicamente su textura, su forma y su composición. El chorro acuático se materializó en dos clones de esas prendas y la criatura las cogió y se las puso, vistiéndose.
La criatura del mar estudió las vistas que se postraban ante él; edificios altísimos, carreteras, coches, luces y humanos paseando.
—Por fin voy a conocer de cerca la tierra. Veamos cómo son estos humanos —declaró para sí mismo, deseoso de emprender esa aventura.

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Celebrate Pride Month at Ai Press!

Every day is Pride at Ai Press. We are proud to offer toe-curling and steamy romances by some of the most loved M/M authors. Come check out our titles which are all available through Amazon Kindle, Nook, Kobo Books and Google Play 24/7. Have a wonderful Pride Month and please stay safe and healthy!

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Now available: Come to Me by Delilah Anders (MFM Menage)

Come To Me
Author: Delilah Anders
Tags: Menage, Multiple Partners, Romance, Erotic Romance Romantic Saga, Contemporary romance
Length: Super long novel
Price: 5.99 USD

Cover art: Les Byerley

Buy from: Amazon Kindle|Kobo|Nook|Google Play

Callie Drake always felt she had a pretty good life-   a loving, if flawed husband of seventeen years, four wonderful children, a comfortable existence nestled in suburban America…he was supposed to be just an uncomplicated  “friend with benefits”, a way to explore and expand her and her husband’s already fantastic sex life.

For Deegan Anderson, responding to their ad was an impulsive decision made against all normal judgement; a way to break out of his usually conservative shell and perhaps shake off the remnants of his own failed relationships in pursuit of commitment-free fun and pleasure. But hopes of a mindless fling quickly die in the face and body of Callie, and he finds himself drawn to her in ways that neither her -nor her husband- ever considered. One touch and he knows that he must have her in ways never intended…a touch that turns into a taste, a taste that turns into a carnal feast as Callie too finds herself subject to a hunger previously only known within the bounds of her marriage. But as boundary after boundary fall before their insatiable lust, can that marriage survive, or is her nice, neat life lost forever?



Callie pulled into the parking lot, noticing how the few cars left in their spaces appeared almost forgotten. She quickly identified Deegan’s white Jeep Cherokee among their number, amused again at his desperate insistence that she leave the “kiddos” behind, and since he had troubled himself to come most of the way to her, she had eventually agreed. She did, however, make clear that her coming alone did not offer the promise of any inappropriate contact, just the chance for them to say their goodbyes one on one, a notion she thought worthy of what their interactions had become.

She pulled up into the spot next to his, catching his attention. She studied him as he got out of his vehicle and walked around to her door, taking the opportunity to appraise him in person for the first time. She had thought he had a nice smile from the only picture she had featuring his face and it did him even more justice in person, his teeth nicely white and even. He reminded her of a possible older brother to Dax Shepard slightly more refined, and she found herself smiling back at him. He looked a bit slimmer than she had thought, but she noted some nice definition in his arms, undoubtedly from his many hours spent strumming and picking a guitar. He was also fairly broad in shoulder and she thought his chest held some promise under the tailored t-shirt he wore.

She rolled down her window as he stopped in front of her door, and he placed his hands on the windowsill, leaning forward to put himself nearly at eye level. “Hey Sunshine,” he said, his eyes sparkling with glee. “Hey, yourself,” she replied, surprised that the nerves she feared might surface at having him actually see all of her didn’t seem to be materializing. Of course, the obvious approval she saw in his gaze might have had something to do with that.

“You been waiting long?”

He shook his head lightly. “Not really…I did get here a little earlier than I intended to…guess I was just an eager beaver,” he teased, his eyes opening widely for a split second in jest. “Can’t really blame a guy, now can you?”

She felt the familiar urge to deflect his implied compliment, but decided to override it this time. “I guess not, but it would make more sense if we were all meeting for our original purpose instead of a parting of sorts. I know I wasn’t in a hurry for this moment to get here.” Once again, she felt her heart taking a heavy flop as she stated out loud the primary reason for their rendezvous.

He noted her discomfort. “Hey hon, don’t be blue…we did agree to touch base with one another every so often, right?”

She nodded. “Sure, but that seems like a poor substitute for our daily chats. Still, I’ll take what I can get, I suppose.”

He smiled down at her. “That’s my girl. So, you gotta run right back or can you hang out for a bit?”

She looked at the clock on her dash. “Eehh…I’ve got to have Sarah at dance in a little over an hour. So, I reckon I would need to leave in about ten minutes or so. I’ve still got to get her changed.”

He looked in the back of the truck. “I notice you humored me and left the kiddos at home.”

She looked in the rearview mirror, as if confirming to herself that she had indeed. “Yeah…I really didn’t want to explain who you were, and believe me, every single one of them with the exception of Landon would have…if there’s anything they love to do, it is ask questions.”

His expression fell a bit. “Oh…I was hoping there was another reason you decided to come all by your lonesome. A more exciting reason.”

She knew basically what he meant, but decided to play along, secretly enjoying the pitiful look she could read in his eyes. “And just what reason might that have been,” she replied silkily.

“I thought maybe you were going to see your way to provide that bonus I requested the first time we planned to meet. You know, especially since I won’t get the chance to see them in the flesh after today.”

“Me having my kids wasn’t the only reason we couldn’t do that, and you know it,” Callie replied, causing the dour look on Deegan’s face to deepen. He fixed his wounded gaze on her.

“Come on. How can you deny me even a little something to remember you by? I thought you said you liked me. I don’t get a parting gift whatsoever?” he asked pleadingly.

“Oh, I suppose I can give you a little eye candy, even though it’s not exactly what you’re talking about.” Callie pulled the front of the billowy purple blouse she wore down just a tad, exposing the topmost swells of her heavy breasts. Pushing her arms together slightly, she managed to create a sizeable dose of cleavage. “Is that at least a little of what you were looking for?”

The manner in which his eyes locked upon her display provided all the answer needed. “Oh yes, that’s very nice indeed. Only problem is, it tends to make one hungry for more.”

Callie considered, then reached into the cups of her bra, first one, then the other, lifting her large breasts high into the cups, then lowered the shirt a bit more, until the bra itself was just visible peeking out from underneath. She then pushed her arms together tighter still, and the combined efforts had the intended effect. She was producing an obscene amount of cleavage now, running from just below her neck all the way down to where her breasts disappeared into her bra. “How’s that?”

Deegan’s eyes got wide in appreciation. “Well, I could tell you how much I like it, but if you look downward you can get visual confirmation for yourself.” He motioned toward his crotch, and Callie’s eyes followed, and as they arrived at their destination, she gasped as they registered his now semi-hard cock straining noticeably against the faded blue denim of his jeans.

“My God, that didn’t take very long,” she stated, somewhat incredulously. “Did that happen just because of these?” she teased, moving her arms, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly. He smiled at her ruefully. “As if you didn’t know what kind of effect certain parts of you have on certain parts of me.” He reached down and adjusted the growing bulge in the front of his jeans. His swollen cock was now pointing straight up toward the waistband of his jeans, strained even harder against the thick fabric. “Are you sure there’s nothing else you can offer?”

Callie considered for a moment, inwardly dismayed at the effect his still-concealed cock was beginning to have on her. She had known from the pictures he had sent that she very much desired to see it in the flesh and had spent a considerable amount of time imagining her hands grasping the thick rod and taking its impressive length into her hungry mouth. His implication that it may be too much for her to handle only fueled her need to show him just how deep her talents ran, pun very much intended.

Her growing drive finally convinced her to take their teasing just a bit further. She pulled the front of her loose-fitting shirt down below the cups of her strapless bra. She knew it was hardly a sexy garment, but it was by far the best fitting bra she owned and displayed the girls much better than any other in her assortment. Holding his gaze with her own, she used one hand to hold the left cup of her bra in place while she used the other hand to slowly pull her breast up. She stopped when the pinkish brown skin of her areola could be seen over the off-white fabric of the cup. “Uh-oh,” she cooed, “I went too far.” Deegan held his gaze upon her girls, while his eyes also narrowed as he moaned with delight and he realized he had breathed in but forgotten to exhale. When finally letting his breath go, all he could think about was the sneak peek Callie has just given him, that was far more than he ever expected to get. Having seen a glorious pic of them previously, it didn’t begin to compare what he was seeing now, even though it was just a small bit.
“Deegan?” Callie said. “Um yeah, yeah. Ok.” “You ok darling?”

“I will be, eventually.”

“I probably shouldn’t have done that, but you probably know by now, a challenge is not something I step away from easily, right? Besides, I did really want to give you some kind of parting gift. BUT,” she paused.

Stepping back into the moment quickly when he heard that “but,” he locked eyes with her and perked an eyebrow, which also drew up one side of his smile slyly, and he said, “But what, my dear? Please don’t tease a fellow this way. tell me, please….” She sat there quietly for a minute, looking up and down his body, taking it in but also searching for a rational reason she would be thinking what she was thinking. This meeting was solely for the reason of moving beyond the initial contact purpose and setting this “thing” that is looming, on the back burner. Essentially making this “relationship” uber casual and reduce to a little check in every now and again. It was apparent that neither of them wanted this to be the result but having to take a look at the overall picture, they both had decided it’s what must be.

“No, never mind, it’s a bad idea, and just plain old wishful thinking. It’s me being selfish and not what we’ve agreed to. Just forget I said anything.” She looked away, straight out in front of her staring at the basically empty parking lot. Deegan could feel what she was going to say, but didn’t want to presume he knew the full extent of what might be put out there, so stood quietly for a minute, pondering within his own thoughts at the hint of the idea she had to have been thinking.

As she was unknowingly shaking her head ever so slightly back and forth in a “no” motion, while she’s deep in thought, she had taken her hand from her head and laid her arm down along the window line of the door, her fingers hanging over the side slightly. Deegan once again leaned forward to get closer to her own eye level, by placing both of his hands on each end of the window. “Come on babe, you can tell me. Just because you think it’s selfish doesn’t mean you can’t say it. Tell me what you’re thinking baby.” She looked back over at him, tilted her head slightly to the side, and pulled her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose. Gazing over the tip of the rims, her green, smoky eyes locked into his. In that moment, it was clear to both; it was more than just a look.

“But what if it doesn’t have to be? That’s what you were going to say right?” Eyes still locked tight, he had subconsciously moved his hand over and had begun running a couple of his fingers over hers. It was the first contact they had had, and when she felt it begin, her eyes widened and caused him to realize what he had done. Instead of removing his hand, he only stopped caressing and left it lying in contact with her and gave a look to ask if she wanted him to remove it. Understanding what he was saying with his eyes, she took her other hand and placed it entirely on top of his and squeezed a little bit. He stepped closer to the door and placed his other hand on top of hers. The huddled mass of hands lay still, in that spot.

“Yes. That is what I was going to say. It doesn’t matter though, that can’t happen. There are too many extraneous factors that have more or less, forced us to make this what it is, and that’s the paring down of this thing here. You have Melissa you need to deal with and work out whatever is there, and of course, I am happily married to Brad. He’s made it more than clear, that unfortunately the very things that made you perfect for this whole thing are the same things that cause him his greatest anxiety. That doesn’t leave any options beyond today.”

Deegan’s hands began to break loose from the hold they were in and move, not away, but rather began caressing her forearm instead. He could feel the angst that this whole ordeal was causing Callie and was instinctively trying to make her feel better. After all, that is what you do to someone you’ve basically fallen for, no matter how crazy the idea of that even is. He was right when he had told her before this meeting that being able to look directly into her eyes would only solidify what he’d come to feel for her. So much so that he could barely believe what he was about to propose to her.

“I guess I need to think about heading back now, getting Sarah ready is no small feat,” she laughed. “So, give me five more minutes. I have something I want to ask you.” She sat up a bit more, turned more towards him and took her right hand away and placed it in her lap, tucked between her thighs and left her other still, as he was still grazing her arm ever so slightly. Admittedly, she was quite enjoying his touch. “Ok sure, hon, what is it? I have no more than another five minutes before I must go.”

Stopping midway along her forearm and starting to squeeze as if he was trying to keep her still, he cleared his throat and took a deep breath and said, “What if we really don’t have to make this the end? I was only taking this route because of the danger I knew would lie ahead with continued contact with you, as well as being proven right by looking into your eyes for the first time. I know without doubt that what I am feeling now will grow stronger and that ending it on this level is the absolute best solution, but now, I can’t seem to tell myself that’s what I must do. I desperately want to see you again. No, scratch that, I NEED to see you again. I also can’t shake this very real feeling and vibe that I get from you that you don’t want to either. Tell me I am wrong.”

Callie dropped her head and began that subconscious no shake again, mind going absolutely crazy with every emotion possible in this moment. She reached back up and grabbed his hand again and held tight and said, “I can’t tell you that. You aren’t. I also know that these things I have running through my mind shouldn’t be there and they certainly don’t make sense, but in the same breath I can’t say no to you. So, it makes me wonder what you do have in mind, if just to hear it for curiosity’s sake alone. I am NOT saying this will go beyond today but want to hear your thoughts.”

More surprised than not that she’s willing to at least entertain his idea lit a fire in him even hotter than before. She had never wavered on the love she has professed for Brad, and he knew she would never, ever leave him, so what he was about to say to her was not only foolish on his part, but hugely dangerous to his heart. “Look baby, I know that you love your husband, but I know you also feel something going on here and while I know I can never wholly have you, I am willing to risk some heartache in order to have at least some of you, even on a sporadic basis. So, I guess what I am asking is if you would be willing to see me again and keeping it between us? There is just no way I can walk away right now knowing I will never be able to touch you again, to look into your eyes and to also know I will never taste you. I knew this would be hard from the start, and at best was a bad idea to meet you face to face, but now it’s too late to turn back and I need more. I believe I knew all along that I would. Please, this can’t be it.” He could hardly believe he really just said all that.

As she sat there looking at him and listening to his plea, all she could think was how much she wanted to just tell him yes, let’s work something out while also battling her heart and love for Brad she has. The two things can’t coincide together. She never imagined herself in this place and had now found herself, losing that almighty will power she had professed to maintain such control over all her life. Before she even had time to really think about it thoroughly, she felt her mouth open up and began uttering words that were shocking to her, “OK Deegan, we’ll find a way to see each other again. I can’t let this be the end either. I am scared out of my mind by all of this and certainly not thinking clearly, but what I do know is that I need to see you again as well.”

It was a good thing he had been leaning on the door of her truck, because the words she just uttered were ones he just knew he wouldn’t ever hear, and having actually heard them, his knees went a little weak in the reality of it. He breathed a sigh and found his hand moving up the length of her arm and to the point where he’s holding her face. Every inch of skin he had felt to this point was so silky smooth it was almost as if she wasn’t real. Her cheek proved to be no different. He ran his hand over it slightly and then around behind her neck. He leaned in and moved towards her face and took her neck and started pulling it towards him. He felt some resistance in that, because well, one of the original rules was no kissing, but instead of letting her pull completely away and risking not being able to lay his lips upon her, he pushed his hand up a little further behind her head as if to tip it down somewhat and she lessened her resistance, he was able to pull her forehead to his mouth. Lingering for a moment with his lips pressed against her there, he sighed out loud and pulled away to look into her eyes once again.

“Is it weird that all I can think to say right now is thank you? Thank you for not shooting me down outright and allowing yourself to explore what’s here by going beyond this meeting right now. I know you must get going now, so I won’t keep you anymore. It’s certainly a touch easier to see you pull away now knowing I’ll see you again than it was going to be prior. I’ll text you in a bit and we can find a time to talk about this further whether via email, skype or over the phone.” She sat silent and just grinned at him, one of those “knowing” grins. “Ok darling, I gotta go, I will look for you later today. I’m going to be pushing it to get her there on time now. See what you’ve already done to me!”

He pulled her hand up from the window and kissed the back of it slowly and softly, then let it fall slowly and loosely out of his to rest again upon the window. Then as he turned to walk away, took one last look back and blew a final kiss to her. She smiled and puckered her mouth in such a way that she “sent one back” to him, then waved as she turned to drive off.

As he sat himself back down in his truck, his heart was racing and going a thousand miles an hour at the door he just opened. He knew he was crazy to do it, but it was almost as if it happened so fast, he didn’t even realize it till it was over. The anticipation of seeing her again was already rising. He knew right then, he wouldn’t last more than a couple of days without her touch, so it was time to start planning the when and where.

Pulling away and barely remembering how to even get home, she’s riding in a blur. What just happened? Did we really open another door instead of closing one? How did this happen? What the fuck am I feeling? How is it possible? Holy fuck! Can I really go through with this? These among the other thousand questions racing through her mind at this moment. Maybe he’ll have a change of heart between now and the next time you talk and will realize this is a bad idea. At least then you will be off the hook, but do you really want to be? Why did that kiss on the forehead feel so good? If this goes further, will he be happy with the still self- imposed limitations I will bring to the table? Yeah, this needs to be discussed and discussed quickly. Now, how do I put on my actress face and tell Brad the story of what was supposed to happen? The remainder of this day should find itself as interesting as the first half.

Posted in Available Books, Dark Sins, Delilah Anders, Menages, News, Novel length | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Celebrating diversity in love

Embraced-Sun23As a publisher and member of the human family, I was very disturbed to learn of comments made by another publisher to one of its authors that images of people of color were not used on covers because they did not sell books. I know, right?

First, there is no universe in which it is okay to say something like that to someone, much less to believe it. Secondly, it is not true. If a cover is beautifully done and the story inside the book is a good one, readers will find the book. And hey, for argument’s sake, let us say such an assertion were true, how wwrong is it not to express the diversity of our human rainbow for the sake of money? Is that not so much the problem that plagues the human race already?

Baggage_200x300I opened Ai Press back in March 2010 (happy birthday, Ai!) and I am happy to say that it never occurrd to me for one second not to have a book cover represent the race and culture of the characters in the story. Isn’t the cover at least part of what attracts you to a book and gives you an inkling of what you will find when you read it? To withhold an honest representation of a book’s content by just showing an image one believes will sell the book is insulting to readers on so many levels. It is misleading and condescending at best, downright racist at worst and not worthy of a publisher.
All that said, I am thrilled that Ai Press not only boasts a diverse group of wonderfully talented and terrific authors who are also loveable people, but also offers diversity in the heroe and heroines of our stories. And we show it proudly on every beautiful cover!
Thank you for reading and for your support. Warmly, Sedonia Guillone

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Now Available in Trade Paperback: Loose Ends by Jeff Erno

Loose Ends
Author: Jeff Erno
Genre: Mystery and Detective; Gay romance
Imprint: Ai Press
Length: Novel
Price: 3.99 USD

Cover art: Louca Matheo

Buy from: Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo Books|Google Play

Trade paperback from Amazon
Homicide detective Tucker Brown hasn’t always made the right decisions, but one thing about his life he’ll never regret is his son Jaydin. While at the hospital for his four-year-old’s tonsillectomy, he encounters Jaydin’s nurse, Ivan Ramsey. Tucker is taken aback, however, when he discovers he’s been assigned to investigate the potential murder of Ivan’s mother.

Ivan Ramsey is a pediatric nurse, and he loves his job more than life. Raised in a devoutly religious family, he’s not yet out to a lot of people, but on the very night he chooses to come out to his mother, she dies tragically in a house fire. Devastated by the news, Ivan all but falls to pieces, and to make matters worse, a cocky, know-it-all police detective shows up asking nosy questions. The cop implies his mother’s death might not have been an accident and even infers a family member might be responsible.

Tucker and Ivan at first clash. Their strikingly different personalities are oil and water, but soon they begin to work together to determine the real cause of Ivan’s mother’s death. In the process, sparks begin to fly and a romance ignites. Ivan falls hard, not only for the sexy detective but also his adorable son.Tucker, equally smitten, has made some discoveries he can’t yet reveal to his lover. There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions for both of them, and when the truth finally comes out, it just might tear them apart.


For the next week, Ivan functioned on auto-pilot. There was so much to do, so many things Ivan’s father needed help navigating. Although his parents had already made final arrangements, they still had to plan the funeral. Ivan had to pull himself together and be strong for his dad’s sake. He’d had his moment, his complete breakdown. His mother, of all people, would want him to remain stoic going forward. She’d expect him to face tragedy with a degree of dignity. She’d always concerned herself with appearances, and the last thing she’d want would be for her son to lose it in public.

He allowed himself to go numb and suppress his intense emotions. It was the only strategy that allowed him to greet and thank so many people who’d reached out to the family with expressions of condolence.

With his parents being so active in the church, the entire congregation seemed to be involved in the memorial. For the most part, the church ladies were very sweet, and they all had very kind words for Ivan and his family. They also had no concept of moderation, at least when it came to food. They not only prepared massive quantities of casseroles, sandwiches, salads, and desserts for the memorial, but they delivered equally as much food to Brandon’s house.

And after the closed-casket service and the interment, Ivan’s father faced a mountain of paperwork. They had death certificates to obtain, creditors to contact, insurance companies to notify. The home owner’s insurance was the worst. His father had lost everything, and they had to try to compile an inventory and determine replacement costs on every item. That process would have been painful enough in and of itself, but the death of his mother made it all the worse. Every detail—every physical item lost—was tied to a memory.

As horrific as the process was, Ivan felt a twisted sense of appreciation for all the busy work. It allowed him to remain focused upon his mom. The obvious challenges they faced during their time of transition at the very least gave Ivan pause, allowed him to think about how complex life was and how many people were touched by the life of one individual. Had she simply been buried and forgotten, had life just gone on as normal, Ivan wasn’t sure he’d have been able to cope. He welcomed the turmoil and chaos and viewed them as proof that his mother’s life had mattered.

But when a police detective showed up, and a member of the media cornered Ivan, Brandon, and their father one morning at a restaurant, asking questions about how Mrs. Ramsey had died, Ivan became concerned. And annoyed.

“What was she talking about?” Ivan sat across from his father at the local diner. Ivan turned to his brother. “That reporter, what did she mean? It was a fire. An accident.”

“Apparently, they’re not sure it was an accident.” Brandon took a sip of his water.

“Of course it was an accident.” Ivan stared directly at his father. “And why’d that detective contact me? He wants me to meet him for an interview.”

David Ramsey leaned back, straightening his posture in the chair as he scrubbed a hand across his face. “I didn’t want to tell you everything yet… I mean, until I knew for sure. But there was an autopsy conducted. Routine, really. And the fire was determined not to be the cause of death.”

“What?” Ivan leaned forward, elbows on the table. “What the hell, Dad? What are you saying?”

His father looked at him sternly, perhaps in response to Ivan’s language. He took a deep breath.

“Sorry, I didn’t tell you because…It was just too much to deal with.”

“Dad, how did she die then?” Brandon’s tone was more measured.

“Apparently she was shot.”

“Shot!” Ivan and Brandon spoke in unison.

“The police think someone killed your mother and then set the fire to try covering it up.”

“No!” Ivan shook his head. “This is crazy. Why? Why would someone do that?”

“That’s why they want to talk to all of us,” Brandon surmised. “They want to find out which one of us had a motive to kill our own mother.”

David raised one hand. “Now just a minute. Hold on, and quit…” He took a deep breath. “Try not to get emotional about this. The police are just doing their job. They know someone killed your mother, and they have to question everyone. Of course, they’re going to start with us first. Once we are eliminated as suspects—“

“Suspects?” Ivan nearly shouted. “Why would someone kill my mother? And why on earth would they ever suspect Brandon or me…or you.” He stared at his father.

“Well, of course we didn’t kill your mother. It had to have been a burglary or something. Someone broke into the house. Lord knows why. We have no idea what, if anything, they took. It’s not like we can take an inventory at this point. But whoever did it probably killed your mom to keep her from identifying them.”

“And to get away,” Brandon added.

“Right.” David looked into Ivan’s eyes as he reached across the table and placed one hand on his son’s wrist. “The police are just doing their job. Just cooperate with them, because we want more than anyone for this monster to be caught. The sooner they clear our family, the sooner they can find the killer.”

Ivan again felt as if he’d been body-slammed. The news was unfathomable. It sounded like an episode of Forensic Files or NCIS. This shit didn’t happen in real life. Not to him and his family.
After lunch, Ivan excused himself, saying he needed to head back to his apartment. When he got to his car he retrieved a business card from his pocket that Detective Viviano had left him. “This is my partner’s card. He’s leading the investigation. Detective Brown.” Ivan stared at the card, trying to recall why the name sounded so familiar. He dialed the number.

“Detective Brown.”

“Hello, this is Ivan Ramsey. Your partner left me your card and said I needed to contact you.”

“Oh yes. Hello, Ivan. Thanks for returning my call. I just need to talk to you about—“

“About who killed my mother.”

“Yes, I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Look, I don’t appreciate your insinuations. I know you think someone in our family did it, but that’s utter bullshit.”

“No, I don’t assume anything like that.”

“And don’t you think my father has enough to deal with at a time like this? Shouldn’t you be out looking for the murderer instead of harassing us? We’re the victims here.”

“I want to catch the murderer more than anything, but in order to do that, I need your cooperation. Like I said, I’m sorry. I wish there was some other way.”

“I’ll come in right now for your interview.”

“That would be wonderful. Or I could meet you somewhere.”

“I’ll come to the police station. I’ll answer your questions, but then I want this to be over with. I want you to catch my mother’s killer and quit wasting time.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Good!” Ivan ended the call.

Posted in Available Books, Jeff Erno, Mystery/Romantic Suspense, Novel length, Trade Paperback | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Now Available: Candyman by Nicole Austin

Author: Nicole Austin
Genre: Romance/Paranormal/Vampires/Second chances
Length: Novella
eISBN: 9781937796990
Price: 2.99 USD

Cover art by: Nicole Austin

Buy from: Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo|Google Play

Elisa Wilde’s recurrent dreams transcend time and place. Dreams so real they seem to be actual memories of a bygone era. Driven to unravel the mystery and reclaim her life, she’s drawn into an amazing adventure.
In a tragic twist of fate, Michael Claret lost his truelove. He has waited decades for her return, but getting her back is only a small part of the battle. Edie has changed, evolved into a different woman. Not only will Michael have to once again win her heart, he must also gain her acceptance of his true nature.
Fate is a cruel mistress who will not be cheated or denied. To make the most of their second chance, Michael and Lisa must alter the path chosen for them, and rewrite their love story or be lost to each other forever.

*This previously published title has been revised and re-edited*


Copyright © Nicole Austin, 2018

Lisa wanted to laugh as she listened to a group of women seated at a large table ordering fancy drinks with sexy names. Foreplay, All Night Long and Kinky Orgasm were a few of her favorites.

Shan found two empty stools at the bar for them. After several minutes, they were approached by a harried-looking bartender, flamboyant mannerisms and a gay pride T-shirt advertising his sexual preferences.

“What’ll it be, ladies?”

“A Slow Comfortable Screw with a twist,” her sister stated.

His attention turned toward Lisa. “What would you like, hon?”

Her mind wandered to the earlier visions of frantic sex with Michael, and her devilish muse became inspired. What the hell, he’d asked what she wanted, and he was blatantly gay so there was no danger of his thinking he could provide what she desired. She might as well tell him in explicit detail.

“I want a hard, deep, raw fuck against the wall, with multiple screaming orgasms, followed by the inability to walk straight for days.” She flashed him a wicked grin.

The bartender breathed heavily and Shan moaned. “Dayum, sis. Umm…I changed my mind. I’ll have what she’s having.”

“You and me both, sugar. I’ll let you know when I find someone capable of filling that order. In the meantime, you’ll have to choose something contained on the shelves.”

Lisa relented, ordered a glass of merlot, and turned to take in the room. The brief verbal play lessened some of the tension and allowed her to relax, if only slightly.

The band sounded hot, and quite a few members of the audience were dancing. Everyone appeared to be having fun. She received flirtatious glances from several men, but she didn’t offer any encouragement. Whether a simple case of nerves created the gut reaction or an actual case of intuition, she had the sense of sitting on the precipice of a life-altering event. Something big would happen tonight and she felt almost certain it would be tied in to the memories.

Shan and she were both asked to dance by several men and her sister took several up on their invitations. Lisa felt too strung out to dance, and politely declined all advances. Her thoughts shifted to performing.

She planned to sing tunes from now grown-up teeny-bop pop artist Christina Aguilera. Her album, Back to Basics, featured old-school style jazz, blues and soulful songs with a modern flair, along with a few sexually charged tracks that were perfect for the occasion.

Lisa would start with Save Me from Myself, a sultry, soul-inspired song that fit the forties feel she hoped to achieve and yet was still contemporary. The band had insisted she have an encore song prepared and told her in no uncertain terms that if the audience didn’t demand another number, the musicians would.

To make them happy, she decided on Candyman. The dirty and playful song would liven up the mood and get everyone interested in dancing again, hopefully saving her from singing anything else. While she enjoyed singing, she was self-conscious about doing so on stage under the bright spotlights.

At a signal from the bandleader, she headed backstage. She’d have ten minutes to prepare before being called out on stage. She paced the confines of a small dressing room going over the lyrics in her mind until the bar manager knocked and peeked in the door.

“You ready, Lisa?”

Taking note of the state she’d worked herself into, Sam moved to her side. “Whoa, honey. It’ll be all right.” Clasping her shaky hands in his own, he rubbed some warmth into her cold flesh and talked her through some calming breaths.

“I heard you sing earlier. You’re going to wow them, Lisa. Hell, if it makes you feel any better, there’s no way I’d let you on my stage if you sucked.”

As he’d intended, she laughed. “Jeez. Thanks, Sam. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not, but I’ll take it.”

“You’re gonna knock ’em dead, honey.” He brushed a friendly kiss over her cheek. After walking with her to the edge of the curtain, he nodded to the band. They finished the current song and the bandleader drew the patrons’ attention.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Top Hat and Old Town Tavern are proud to announce that author and vocalist extraordinaire Elisa Wilde has humbly agreed to honor us all with a song tonight. So please, put your hands together and give a big welcome to this phenomenal lady.”

Oh crap, no he didn’t. How the heck would she live up to the effusive introduction? Her tummy flip-flopped as Sam walked her out onto the now darkened stage, held her waist, and set her atop the piano. A sense of déjà vu hit her as he handed her a cordless microphone then squeezed her hand.

“Have fun!”

In a flash, she was thrust back into the memory of Edie singing on a nearly identical stage. Grateful for the vision, she followed the other woman’s example and lay on her side.

Then something truly magical occurred. Upon opening herself to the magic, Lisa felt Edie’s spirit take over and she melded with the other woman. After a series of sensual moans and a sexy hiss, she sang the first verse. The pianist accompanied her for the second. A spotlight came on, illuminating her silhouette. With the third verse, the vibrating strum of a guitar joined in. The brass section chimed in with the fourth and the lights rose slow and steady along with the music.

As she gazed out over the audience, their rapt attention boosting her confidence, her eyes landed on a man who stood apart from the crowd.

Oh God. It was him. He was real. The man who called to her in ways no other ever had. She’d wanted him for what seemed like forever, loved him her entire life, but nervous jitters assaulted her from actually being near him.

Her pulse elevated, blood roared in her head, and her body zoomed from zero to hot-and-ready in the space between one heartbeat and the next. And she had no doubt this glorious man would be exceedingly capable of filling the order she’d jokingly placed earlier at the bar.

Tall and lean.

Dark and handsome.

Captivating blue eyes.


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Now Available: Next Time I Fall by Jeff Erno

Next Time I Fall
Author: Jeff Erno
Genre: M/M Romance; Gay Romance
Length: Novel
Price: 3.99 USD

Buy from Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo Books|Google Play

Cover art: Louca Matheo

Eric Daniels has a habit of falling for unattainable men. For the past two years he’s pined for a man younger than him who has no interest in a relationship and just wants to use him. When Eric suddenly finds himself alone and again jilted, he swears it will never happen again. Then he meets Steve. Steve Warren has recently started his job as associate pastor of the local Baptist church. While canvassing the neighborhood to promote the church’s vacation Bible school program, he encounters a man who sticks in his memory. Though he doesn’t catch his name, he recalls the man’s black Labrador retriever, Drake.

Steve has a dog of his own, a boxer named Felix. And when they bump into each other again, not only do the dogs hit it off, but so do the humans. A friendship begins. Steve suddenly finds himself facing the harshest reality he’s ever endured. He’s been aware of his attraction to men for a long time, but his religion teaches homosexuality is an abomination. How can he reconcile his feelings for Eric with his faith? If he comes out as gay, what will it do to his career, his family, and his church? But he can’t go on forever using his religion as a shield to hide behind. Living a lie is bearing false witness, so he must find a way to be true to his faith while following his heart. Is there any way to move forward without hurting a lot of people he loves?


Chapter One

Eric heard the rapid tapping of Drake’s nails on the tile before he’d even managed to push the door all the way open. Happy-faced panting and a lightning-fast tail wag confirmed that Drake was thrilled to see his master had returned.

“Did you miss me, Drake?” Eric’s tone, slightly lilted, betrayed the heaviness in his chest. He took a couple steps and placed the grocery bag he was carrying on the counter, then reached down to pet his four-legged friend. “Well, he’s gone,” Eric whispered as he lowered himself to a squatting position, all the while stroking Drake’s forehead right between his ears. He reached up with his other hand and cupped the Labrador’s face. One thing about Drake that Eric loved was that he always, even when sad, seemed to be smiling. Eric sighed then kissed his pooch on the head and rose to his feet.

He snatched the grocery bag from the counter and walked to the kitchen, Drake shadowing him.

“Yes, I got you a treat…and yes, I know you want to go outside.”

Drake’s tail wagged even more furiously as he began his prance of anticipation. Certain words, like “treat” and “outside” triggered this response, and seeing the dog’s glee somewhat assuaged the dull ache Eric felt inside him. Did Drake even realize that Max was gone for good, that he wouldn’t be coming back? To Drake, every time he was left alone, he probably feared he’d never see his owner again. At least, that’s how he acted whenever Eric returned. The dog got so excited, you’d have thought Eric had been gone a couple of months rather than just a few minutes or hours.

Eric now understood how Drake felt. He had no idea if Max would be gone a few days, a few years, or forever. Eric might never see the younger man again for all he knew. Then again, what right did Eric have to hold him back? It wasn’t like they were a couple or anything, not officially. Max had been his roommate of sorts for the past two and a half years. Eric took the kid in when he was more-or-less homeless, rented him a room. Well, that’s what they told people, but Eric never made an issue of the money. Max had seemed to always forget to pay. He’d certainly forgotten more often than he’d remembered, and it didn’t really matter to Eric. He never really needed the money. To be honest, he needed Max more than he needed the cash.

But that’s just how Max was. He wasn’t like Eric who’d been at the same job for the past nine years. Max worked here and there, never at one place for very long. He was an artist, and very gifted, but he hadn’t quite figured out how to apply himself in a way that would net him a reliable source of income. He did some projects on commission. He sold a piece every now and then, or he got hired to paint a mural or the side of a building for a business. For a while he’d worked painting logos on company trucks and vans, but he was just too much of a free spirit to answer to a boss. He liked to work when he wanted to work.

The couple of times Max got “real” jobs were worst of all. He took an hourly wage job at a convenience store and was fired after his first two weeks. He didn’t seem too concerned about reporting to work at his scheduled time, and the manager seemed even less concerned about letting him go. Pretty much the same thing happened when he tried fast food. That didn’t last even as long as the gas station job.

When Max announced he’d met someone online and was leaving for California in a month, Eric wasn’t at first sure he was serious. Ever the dreamer, Max talked about a lot of things he wanted to do. He changed his mind constantly, never focused on one thing for too long, so probably his big plans to start a new life would fizzle in a few days. Eric decided not to bring it up, pretend Max had never mentioned it, and a week before his planned departure, it seemed as if he had. But when Eric stepped into the basement to do a load of laundry that Friday morning, he noticed Max’s easel was gone. All the art supplies that he usually left strewn across the rec room had been gathered and packed in Max’s satchel.

Eric hightailed up the stairs to the main floor then continued on to the second floor where the bedrooms were located. He stopped in front of Max’s door to catch his breath before knocking.

“Hey man, what’s up?” Max lay stretched out on full-sized bed, legs crossed at the ankles. He removed a set of headphones as Eric pushed the door open.

“Hey.” Eric smiled. He glanced around the room, and his eyes fell on two suitcases in the corner. “Uh…so I guess you’re still planning to, um…to head out to Cali?”

Max returned his smile, his own broader, conveying his genuine enthusiasm. “Yeah. Monday’s the big day.”

“I didn’t really think you’d go through with it. I mean, Well…I was…uh…”

“Thought I’d flake out again, huh?” Max laughed as he shook his head to flick hair off his face. He reached up and raked his fingers through the straight, blond strands in a gesture that had always gotten to Eric. His mannerisms, masculine in a surfer-dude sort of way, were also slightly effeminate, just soft enough to be sexy. Everything about the way he carried himself affected Eric, and he couldn’t exactly explain why.

“No. Of course I didn’t think you’d flake out. I just…well, I was hoping you might change your mind. I’m gonna miss you.”

Max’s broad smile faded to a sincere, pleasant expression where the corners of his mouth just slightly curled. He patted the mattress with his palm. “If you want, I’ll let you give me head one last time…for old time’s sake.”

The rapid tapping of Drake’s nails on the kitchen tile pulled Eric from his reverie. He shook his head and reached into the box of dog biscuits for a treat. “Alright, alright. Here you go.” He held out a dog biscuit to his Lab who quickly devoured it. Eric stepped into the utility room and removed Drake’s leash from the hook where it was hanging. Drake rushed to the front door, his rear end jiggling back and forth as his tail whipped about lickety split.

Posted in Available Books, Jeff Erno, Novel length | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Now Available: Loose Ends by Jeff Erno

Loose Ends
Author: Jeff Erno
Genre: Mystery and Detective; Gay romance
Imprint: Ai Press
Length: Novel
Price: 3.99 USD

Cover art: Louca Matheo

Buy from: Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo Books|Google Play

Trade paperback from Amazon
Homicide detective Tucker Brown hasn’t always made the right decisions, but one thing about his life he’ll never regret is his son Jaydin. While at the hospital for his four-year-old’s tonsillectomy, he encounters Jaydin’s nurse, Ivan Ramsey. Tucker is taken aback, however, when he discovers he’s been assigned to investigate the potential murder of Ivan’s mother.

Ivan Ramsey is a pediatric nurse, and he loves his job more than life. Raised in a devoutly religious family, he’s not yet out to a lot of people, but on the very night he chooses to come out to his mother, she dies tragically in a house fire. Devastated by the news, Ivan all but falls to pieces, and to make matters worse, a cocky, know-it-all police detective shows up asking nosy questions. The cop implies his mother’s death might not have been an accident and even infers a family member might be responsible.

Tucker and Ivan at first clash. Their strikingly different personalities are oil and water, but soon they begin to work together to determine the real cause of Ivan’s mother’s death. In the process, sparks begin to fly and a romance ignites. Ivan falls hard, not only for the sexy detective but also his adorable son.Tucker, equally smitten, has made some discoveries he can’t yet reveal to his lover. There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions for both of them, and when the truth finally comes out, it just might tear them apart.


For the next week, Ivan functioned on auto-pilot. There was so much to do, so many things Ivan’s father needed help navigating. Although his parents had already made final arrangements, they still had to plan the funeral. Ivan had to pull himself together and be strong for his dad’s sake. He’d had his moment, his complete breakdown. His mother, of all people, would want him to remain stoic going forward. She’d expect him to face tragedy with a degree of dignity. She’d always concerned herself with appearances, and the last thing she’d want would be for her son to lose it in public.

He allowed himself to go numb and suppress his intense emotions. It was the only strategy that allowed him to greet and thank so many people who’d reached out to the family with expressions of condolence.

With his parents being so active in the church, the entire congregation seemed to be involved in the memorial. For the most part, the church ladies were very sweet, and they all had very kind words for Ivan and his family. They also had no concept of moderation, at least when it came to food. They not only prepared massive quantities of casseroles, sandwiches, salads, and desserts for the memorial, but they delivered equally as much food to Brandon’s house.

And after the closed-casket service and the interment, Ivan’s father faced a mountain of paperwork. They had death certificates to obtain, creditors to contact, insurance companies to notify. The home owner’s insurance was the worst. His father had lost everything, and they had to try to compile an inventory and determine replacement costs on every item. That process would have been painful enough in and of itself, but the death of his mother made it all the worse. Every detail—every physical item lost—was tied to a memory.

As horrific as the process was, Ivan felt a twisted sense of appreciation for all the busy work. It allowed him to remain focused upon his mom. The obvious challenges they faced during their time of transition at the very least gave Ivan pause, allowed him to think about how complex life was and how many people were touched by the life of one individual. Had she simply been buried and forgotten, had life just gone on as normal, Ivan wasn’t sure he’d have been able to cope. He welcomed the turmoil and chaos and viewed them as proof that his mother’s life had mattered.

But when a police detective showed up, and a member of the media cornered Ivan, Brandon, and their father one morning at a restaurant, asking questions about how Mrs. Ramsey had died, Ivan became concerned. And annoyed.

“What was she talking about?” Ivan sat across from his father at the local diner. Ivan turned to his brother. “That reporter, what did she mean? It was a fire. An accident.”

“Apparently, they’re not sure it was an accident.” Brandon took a sip of his water.

“Of course it was an accident.” Ivan stared directly at his father. “And why’d that detective contact me? He wants me to meet him for an interview.”

David Ramsey leaned back, straightening his posture in the chair as he scrubbed a hand across his face. “I didn’t want to tell you everything yet… I mean, until I knew for sure. But there was an autopsy conducted. Routine, really. And the fire was determined not to be the cause of death.”

“What?” Ivan leaned forward, elbows on the table. “What the hell, Dad? What are you saying?”

His father looked at him sternly, perhaps in response to Ivan’s language. He took a deep breath.

“Sorry, I didn’t tell you because…It was just too much to deal with.”

“Dad, how did she die then?” Brandon’s tone was more measured.

“Apparently she was shot.”

“Shot!” Ivan and Brandon spoke in unison.

“The police think someone killed your mother and then set the fire to try covering it up.”

“No!” Ivan shook his head. “This is crazy. Why? Why would someone do that?”

“That’s why they want to talk to all of us,” Brandon surmised. “They want to find out which one of us had a motive to kill our own mother.”

David raised one hand. “Now just a minute. Hold on, and quit…” He took a deep breath. “Try not to get emotional about this. The police are just doing their job. They know someone killed your mother, and they have to question everyone. Of course, they’re going to start with us first. Once we are eliminated as suspects—“

“Suspects?” Ivan nearly shouted. “Why would someone kill my mother? And why on earth would they ever suspect Brandon or me…or you.” He stared at his father.

“Well, of course we didn’t kill your mother. It had to have been a burglary or something. Someone broke into the house. Lord knows why. We have no idea what, if anything, they took. It’s not like we can take an inventory at this point. But whoever did it probably killed your mom to keep her from identifying them.”

“And to get away,” Brandon added.

“Right.” David looked into Ivan’s eyes as he reached across the table and placed one hand on his son’s wrist. “The police are just doing their job. Just cooperate with them, because we want more than anyone for this monster to be caught. The sooner they clear our family, the sooner they can find the killer.”

Ivan again felt as if he’d been body-slammed. The news was unfathomable. It sounded like an episode of Forensic Files or NCIS. This shit didn’t happen in real life. Not to him and his family.
After lunch, Ivan excused himself, saying he needed to head back to his apartment. When he got to his car he retrieved a business card from his pocket that Detective Viviano had left him. “This is my partner’s card. He’s leading the investigation. Detective Brown.” Ivan stared at the card, trying to recall why the name sounded so familiar. He dialed the number.

“Detective Brown.”

“Hello, this is Ivan Ramsey. Your partner left me your card and said I needed to contact you.”

“Oh yes. Hello, Ivan. Thanks for returning my call. I just need to talk to you about—“

“About who killed my mother.”

“Yes, I’m so sorry for your loss.”

“Look, I don’t appreciate your insinuations. I know you think someone in our family did it, but that’s utter bullshit.”

“No, I don’t assume anything like that.”

“And don’t you think my father has enough to deal with at a time like this? Shouldn’t you be out looking for the murderer instead of harassing us? We’re the victims here.”

“I want to catch the murderer more than anything, but in order to do that, I need your cooperation. Like I said, I’m sorry. I wish there was some other way.”

“I’ll come in right now for your interview.”

“That would be wonderful. Or I could meet you somewhere.”

“I’ll come to the police station. I’ll answer your questions, but then I want this to be over with. I want you to catch my mother’s killer and quit wasting time.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Good!” Ivan ended the call.

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Now Available: In Her Wildest Dreams by Sedonia Guillone

In Her Wildest Dreams
Author: Sedonia Guillone
Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella
Price: 1.99 USD

Cover art: Louca Matheo

Buy from Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo|Google Play

A gorgeous naked man haunts Ellie Morgan’s dreams. He comes to her bed, wanting to touch and kiss her, but she always wakes up before anything happens. When her life gives her heartbreak, she flees to her ancestral farm in Maine, the home her grandfather left her. However, when she gets there, she finds her dream man living in her house. Not only is he real, but he’s claiming that the house belongs to him!

Zachary Abrams doesn’t understand why this sexy blonde took one look at him and fainted in his driveway, but he’s determined to find out. As he and Ellie begin to unravel the mysterious thread that brought them together, the answers they find are beyond what either of them could have imagined. A bond, formed in the distant past, before either of them was born, decided that they were each other’s destiny…


Elizabeth watched the half-naked man standing in her bedroom doorway. His white robe was loosely belted, and she could see the outline of his chest, delicious hillocks of muscle with a dusting of silky dark hair.

She could not speak, only stare as he stepped into the room, wearing an expression in which she could see his hunger for her.

“Hi, Ellie.” His voice was a seductive whisper. He stopped at her bedside, looking down at her. “I’ll give you everything you need.”

Ellie’s heart pounded. Her body came alive with desire, falling open, like a flower.

He undid the belt of his robe, revealing a god-like body, a carved sculpture, like those Greek athletes she’d lusted after in museums.

This couldn’t be possible, this incredible man, wanting her, bending over her, bringing his face close to hers. She could feel his body heat, caressing her, shimmering through her, with the promise of her every fantasy fulfilled. She closed her eyes, waiting for his kiss…

Ellie sat bolt upright, awakened by the grinding of gears and roaring motor of the weekly garbage truck on her street. She rubbed her eyes as she realized she’d been dreaming. Her body still pulsed with desire, desire unfulfilled.

Disappointment flooded her that Darren wasn’t there. She loved cuddling with him in the morning, but he’d gone home last night, saying he had to be up early for an important meeting.

She sighed and pushed the covers back, her sadness coming over her as it did each morning, when she thought of her grandfather’s funeral. It had only been two weeks ago, and she just couldn’t find the energy to do her work. The reading of the will was today. If it weren’t for that, she wasn’t sure she’d get up at all.

She forced herself to rise from the bed and put on her robe, listening to the loud beeping sound of the garbage truck backing up toward the curb.

I’ve got to get a grip. She trudged to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she remembered her dream. The thought sent a frisson of pleasure through her body. The man, whoever he was (probably someone she’d seen in a magazine or billboard somewhere) was gorgeous. He’d had dark hair, chocolate eyes and a really sexy smile. Replaying that scene in her mind seemed to take the edge off her grief, a welcome relief after losing one of the people she’d loved most in her life.

Ellie patted her face dry with a hand towel. She tightened the belt on her robe and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and her brother, Paul. As she went down the hallway, she found herself wondering how the dream would have unfolded if the truck outside hadn’t woken her.
* * * *
The sadness that had gripped Ellie earlier this morning returned in full force as she sat in the lawyer’s office. She gripped the plush leather arms of the chair as Jack Burnham’s voice droned in the back of her attention. She kept her gaze fixed on the blue sky and the sun’s reflection on the windows of the nearby John Hancock building. Paul’s hand closed over hers.

Ellis Morgan had left Paul the lobster trawler and left Ellie the farmhouse with its thirty-two acres of land, quarter mile of oceanfront, blueberry barrens and tillable field. He wanted both his grandchildren to have a source of income and security. Moreover, he had arranged for all the payments of homeowner’s insurance and property taxes to be paid through the lawyer’s office so that Ellie would not have to worry about it. He left Ellie’s father his retirement account and his stocks and bonds. Before she knew it, the reading had ended, and they were rising from their chairs.

Ellie was picking up her purse when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Jack Burnham, the lawyer who had handled the estate, was smiling at her. “Ellie, can I speak with you a moment?”
She furrowed her brow. “Of course.”
The lawyer guided her to the side as her father and brother filed out of the office, signaling that they’d wait for her outside. The older man cleared his throat. “I just wanted to tell you something, Miss Morgan.”
“Your grandfather was definitely of sound mind and body when he formulated this will.”
Ellie raised her eyebrows questioningly. “I knew that. I saw him nearly every day until he passed on. He was always lucid.”
Burnham nodded. “Yes. I know. I just wanted to make sure you knew.”
“Is there something you’re not telling me?”
The man sighed. “No. There’s nothing I can tell you.” He patted her shoulder. “You have my condolences. Your grandfather spoke highly of you.”
Ellie nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Burnham. Excuse me, though, my family’s waiting for me.”
“Of course.” He stepped aside and waved her to the door.
Ellie smiled briefly and walked out, trying to shrug off the strange feeling left by her interaction with the lawyer. Oh well, she thought, he was just trying to be nice.

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Now Available: Barely Undercover (Kaz and Damien, Book 2) by Sedonia Guillone

Barely Undercover
Author: Sedonia Guillone
Series: Kaz and Damien, Book 2
Genre: Gay Romance, Mystery and Detective
Length: Novella
Price: 1.99 USD

Publisher’s content warning: frequent graphic sex scenes, M/M, anal, light bondage

Buy from Amazon Kindle|BN Nook|Kobo|Google Play

Cover art: Louca Matheo

Four blue ribbons from Romance Junkies! ~ BARELY UNDERCOVER by Sedonia Guillone is a fun and suspenseful m/m romance. Sedonia Guillone is one of my favorite authors, and this novella did not disappoint. ` Christina, Romance Junkies Reviewer

Kaz has been a jerk. Afraid to tell his long time lover about a health concern, instead, he makes a bunch of excuses about going undercover and makes himself rather scarce. When a case forces him to turn to Damien for help, he knows he finally needs to tell his lover the truth. Damien knows the love of his life wouldn’t just run out on him. Something is wrong. Even though he’s pissed, he wants his man back and when Kaz shows up to ask for help, Damien is determined to get the truth out of him, even if it means restraining him (in a sexy way) until he comes clean!

Publisher’s note: This book was previously published at Ellora’s Cave in 2007.


Chapter One
Boston, Massachusetts

“Finally, dammit.” Kaz pressed the search warrant between his fingertips.

His informant had come through and the judge had supported Kaz’s affidavit of probable cause. As if there were any question that two indirect purchases made by Collins on the premises of Club Moritz would constitute probable cause. According to what Collins was able to glean, there was supposedly a shipment being stored in the club. In that case, Brady was using the Moritz to store and sell millions of dollars worth of cocaine and Kaz needed to take him down before he made the area unsafe.

Kaz could practically taste the end of this investigation. After six months of painstaking work, time and money spent on Collins—a former male prostitute with a record who was willing to trade information to escape arrest—a bust was within reach.

Well, almost. There was one little obstacle.

Kaz carefully folded the warrant and slipped it into his jacket pocket. He sat at his desk, the open case folder spread before him. The question remained of what was the most effective way to infiltrate the club and search for the stash without alerting Brady to a police presence.

Deep in thought, Kaz tapped his pen against his forehead while the phones and murmured voices droned on in the background of District A-1, Drug Control Unit of the Boston Police Department. There were several possible ways to infiltrate Club Moritz, but he had to pick the one that was the least risky both to the club’s patrons and to himself.

Club Moritz was a high-end gay nightclub famed for the hottest male strippers and dancers to show skin…lots of skin. Kaz had been to the place a few times in his younger years—not that thirty-eight was that old—and had met Damien there.

Well, met was not exactly the right word. Fallen head-over-heels, too-deep-to-get-out kind of love was more the way he’d put it. One glance up at that stage had done it. The show had just started and Damien writhed and slunk his way on. Of course, all the guys up there had been hot, but Kaz had gotten an instant hard-on watching Damien. Something about the guy, his sleek, muscular body, the delicious trail of chestnut hair down the center of his tight abs, that perfect ass and…well…killer green eyes, had made Kaz an instant love slave.

Kaz bit down on the end of his pen. He sighed and shifted in his seat. Don’t go there. Thinking of Damien was the only thing that ever distracted him from his usual bulldog way of grasping a case and working on it obsessively to the finish. Just picturing the guy in his mind made Kaz’s cock tingle.

After several more moments of considering, Kaz decided that undercover was definitely the correct track. He sketched a quick list of possibilities and went down the line. He could pose as a buyer, make a couple of direct purchases and then raid the place. No. He scratched that off the list. Cocaine and guns always went together. The club was on Tremont Street, a busy area and Kaz refused to jeopardize the lives of innocent bystanders who could get caught in possible crossfire.

Next possibility. Have his insider make some indirect purchases and try to find out where the stuff was stored. Then, when Kaz had enough evidence built up, stage a raid. Kaz scratched that one off too. It was too risky and too complicated to get an informant that involved in this particular case. One bad move and Brady and his goons would clear the place of every kilo before Kaz had a chance to set foot in there. All of Kaz’s work would be gone and he’d have to start again from square one.

Next choice. Bartender? He scratched it right off. He only knew how to make a few drinks and to learn enough about cocktail making to look natural would take time and energy he didn’t have.
Bouncer. Scratch. The position would familiarize him with the faces going into the place but wouldn’t allow him enough time inside to search.

That left…stripper.

Kaz raked a hand through his hair. That he could do. He was athletic enough and had the muscular build needed to be considered attractive enough to show it off. And, with a little coaching, he could learn the moves that would make him a convincing stripper.

His heartbeat sped up a bit and butterflies kicked up in his gut. There was only one person he knew of who could teach him in a pinch how to be a male stripper.

Yeah, and that same one person came with a big problem.

Damien Royce hated his guts.

Kaz sighed again. He went to scratch the word stripper off his list and paused, pen hovering above the paper. His mind flickered over the other possibilities again. Each one came up sorely lacking. Stripper was the only one that really worked.

He had no choice. He had to move as quickly as possible and search the place before Brady had a chance to move his inventory elsewhere.

Kaz’s stomach tightened and he checked his watch. If Damien still taught English at the University of Massachusetts Boston campus, he was probably in class right now. Barely a few minutes’ drive away. Kaz sighed again and rose heavily from his desk. He’d have to take a chance that Damien loved him enough to hear him out.

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